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We believe:


  • that the one, true, living God is the creator of the universe, and that this one God is a Trinity of three persons united in love; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

  • that the Bible is God's perfectly trustworthy and sufficient word which reveals the truth about God, our need of His forgiveness, His mercy towards us in Jesus Christ and how we can then live to please Him out of gratitude and love.

  • that all human beings have sinned against God by ignoring His word.

  • that Jesus Christ, God's Son, was punished in our place for our sins. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived on this earth, died on the cross and rose again from the dead so that we might be forgiven.

  • that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after His resurrection, and He now reigns from there in power and glory.

  • that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world today in and through the lives of Christians.

  • that Jesus Christ is coming again to take His people to be with Him forever.

  • that we, as Christians, have the privilege and responsibility of sharing this good news with others.​


That God will be worshipped and glorified in all we do - as seen in:


  • People becoming Christians as we teach the Word of God and share the love of God

  • Christians growing in maturity and commitment to Jesus

  • Christians becoming thoroughly equipped to serve God in the local Church and wherever God has put us

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